§ 5.110.150. Permit—Required.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct or install any mechanical equipment or appurtenances, such as are subject to the provisions of the Mechanical Code or NFPA Code, in or for any building, or to alter or repair any such existing mechanical equipment or appurtenances as are subject to the provisions of the Mechanical Code or NFPA Code, without the holder of a mechanical contractor certificate of registration first making written application for, and securing a permit therefor, setting forth the nature of work to be performed.

    After written notice to the owner or owners of the city's intent to demolish, repair, or to petition for or otherwise cause the demolition or repair of a building, a cash bond in the amount of one thousand dollars in the case of one or two-family residences, and two thousand dollars in all other cases, shall be required prior to the issuance of a permit therefor. The building or improvements that are the subject of the written notice shall be brought into compliance with the International Building Code (Code) as amended, within six months after the said permit issued. If all such repairs are completed and the owner provides sufficient proof the building is brought up to compliance with all city ordinances and applicable laws as aforesaid, the cash bond will be refunded on written request, to the owner or owners. If, however, the owner or owners fail to so timely complete the repairs or bring the building up to code, then the case bond shall be forfeited to and become property of the city, without further legal action. In the event the owner disputes whether he has so timely completed all the repairs necessary to bring the building and property into compliance with all applicable laws and the code, the owner may appeal the decision of the building inspector to forfeit his bond, to the office of the mayor within fifteen days of the date of the inspector's written decision. If the mayor then refuses to reverse the decision of the building inspector, the owner may appeal that decision of the mayor to the city council, within fifteen days of the date of the mayor's written decision. In the event multiple permits issue, only one cash bond per building need be on file with the inspector, at any one time.

(Ord. 7854 § 1(part), 2005; Ord. 3949 § 2(part), 1983)